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New Release: React Native 0.59 This React Native update consists of React Hooks, Inline Requires and much more.

The official team of React Native has recently announced the stable release of the RC0 version of React Native 0.59. This is great news for React Native app developers as this release brings forward some of the highly anticipated features of React Native.

Some of those React Native features are JavaScriptCore upgrade, React Hooks and so much more.

What’s New In React Native 0.59?

So without any further ado, let's dive straight to the main article and get to know more about all the new features that this new release of React Native is bringing to the table:

What’s New In React Native 0.59

1. CLI Improvements

Previously, the feature of CLI improvements in React Native consisted of various issues and this also included the lack of support from the official platform.  But now, with the new release React Native 0.59, CLI tools have been moved to a new repository, which also includes a number of major improvements.

For instance, the logs are now formatted in a better way and the majority of the commands run almost instantly.

2. JavaScriptCore Upgrade

JavaScriptCore, also known as JSC, is basically an engine that enables Android developers to make use of JavaScript in their mobile applications but natively. And this new release of React Native comes with an updated JavaScriptCore for Android users, which also means it will provide support to many advanced JavaScript features.

Some of these modern features also consist of support for JS (JavaScript), 64-bit support, major performance updates etc.

3. React Hooks

Initially, the React Hooks were made available as a solution to solve various problems that occurred in React Native. This feature allows mobile app developers in usa to re-use a stateful logic across multiple components without any need to entirely restructure the component hierarchy.

In addition to this, React Hooks also allows the user to split a component into several smaller functions, this is mainly based on what components are related to each other.

4. Major Changes

With the new React Native release, the platform has also included many breakthrough changes, for instance, and the option of Google’s latest recommendations has been cleared up to eliminate the risk of breakage and runtime crashes in applications.

For now, it has also been recommended by the React Native officials that the app developers should update their project’s AndroidManifest.xml file. The main objective behind it is to ensure that the  'android: theme' value is maintained in the AppCompat theme.

5. Inline Requires

Last but not least, the React Native 0.59 release also helps in improving the app startup time with the feature of inline requires. With the help of this feature, apps now have the option to load resources in situations where they are needed to prevent the slowing down of the app launch.

By using the inline requires option, React Native app developers can enhance the startup time of their app development projects.

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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