Snotor Img


By Snotor

Snotor Img


  • location


    Manchester, United Kingdom

  • industry


    Health Care & Medical

  • expertsie


    UX/UI Design Custom Software Development Web Development Mobile App Development IT Staff Augmentation
  • date


    06-2023 - Ongoing


Isobiotics features a user-friendly interface for viewing blood and food intolerance tests. Doctors have the ability to review results, write comments, and recommend supplements, while the company's team manages the addition of vitamins and products. Future enhancements include integrating a nutritionist section and expanding the range of offerings.


The main challenge was to enhance the customer experience by providing a centralized platform for accessing test results and receiving personalized recommendations.


  • Registration and login
  • Home page with available test results;
  • Redirect to buy tests and/or supplements;
  • Detailed page of the food intolerance tests;
  • Detailed page of the blood tests, biomarkers details;
  • Home page with pending tests to complete the review;
  • Ability to create a review and suggest supplements on blood tests;
  • Ability to suggest supplements on food intolerance tests.


We made the application clear and accessible for different types of target audiences.

We connected clients, partners and doctors, which made it possible to solve user problems based on both food intolerance test results and blood test results.

We created an intuitive UI/UX, which, among other things, will significantly improve the customer experience.

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